Young Poets and Storytellers

Young Poets and Storytellers

This competition has been spreading its wings for many years, thanks to the efforts of its founder, our good friend John Livesey.  We will be awarding the John Livesey Cup every year in his honour.

He would have been delighted to meet the 2023 winners:


Age 5 – 8

1ST Prize – Turtle by Chase Jones (Heart of the Forest School)

2nd Prize – Shark by Caelan Pittman (Heart of the Forest School)

Age 9 – 11

1st Prize – It’s Time to Change by Harvey Kedward (Mitcheldean Primary)

2nd Prize – A Countdown to Change by Jacob Davison (Mitcheldean Primary)

3rd Prize – Catfish by Jack Anderson (Heart of the Forest School)

Age 12 – 13

1st Prize – Change by Harry Ford (Wyedean School)

2nd Prize – Going For A Ride by Jessica Barrett (Wyedean School)

3rd Prize – Ghost by Seren Best (Wyedean School)

Highly Commended – Change (Pop!) by Nimah Blayney (Wyedean School)

Highly Commended – Change (My Poem) by Gypsy Thompson (Wyedean School)

Age 14 – 16

1st Prize – Change Comes Swift by Olivia Wierbicka (Wyedean School)

2nd Prize – Trees by Lucy Wood (Newent Community School)


Under 11 yrs

1st Prize – Time Flies By by Lily Ruck (St White’s Primary School)

Highly Commended – One Day, Two Scientists by Freddie Firth (St White’s Primary School)

Over 12 years

1st Prize – Get Back Here by Esham Hughes (Wyedean School)

2nd Prize – It Was Damp by Charlotte Lloyd (Wyedean School) 

3rd Prize – Chapter One by Alice Govier (Wyedean School)

Highly Commended – Mother Nature by Isobel Hawkridge (Wyedean School)

Congratulations to them all!  And please don’t forget to enter the competition again this year, with the prize-giving ceremony set for Saturday 20th July.

With grateful thanks to Severn Dean Lions for their continuing sponsorship

We have still been unable to contact four of our 2021 winners. Please follow these links to those poems, and we would be delighted to hear from the winners to congratulate them:

Dear Mother Nature

Dear Earth

Mutiny Against The Asphalt

Climate Crisis

Please respond to, and we look forward to hearing from you!