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Advance Timetable 15th – 17th July 2022

Advance Timetable 15th – 17th July 2022

We are proud to continue to offer a wide range of family fun and entertainment that is free for all to attend and join in – come on down!

The Brewery Tap, Jolter Press, Lamb Inn and the White Horse will all be open, as well as the village’s many takeaways

Events over the July weekend are beginning to look like this:


Acoustic concert in the parish church 7- 9.30pm
Music and song session in the Lamb from 8pm


Young Poets and Storytellers in the parish church, noon
Busking and Morris dancing in the village during the day
Fete on the playing field 1 – 4pm, with entertainments:
• Pillowell Silver Band
• Mitcheldean Primary School
• Morris Dancing
• Harmony All Stars majorettes
• Tug O’ War between the two village pubs
Poetry recital in the Jolter Press from 4 – 6 pm
Concert in the parish church 4 – 9pm
Dancing and song in the community centre 7-30 – late


Folk walk from 12 noon to 6 pm, starting at the White Horse
Music and song session in the White Horse from 2pm

And there’s more…

And there’s more…

We’ve had a great response to our last post – watch this space!

As well as the parish church concert on Saturday 16th July from 4 – 9pm, we have a great line-up for the acoustic concert the previous night, headlined by our good friend Dick Brice. With informal music sessions every day, Morris and ceilidh dancing on the Saturday as well as the Fete, the Poetry Festival and the Young Poets and Storytellers Competition, we’re looking forward to another great weekend – come on down!

Festival Concert Saturday 16th July

Festival Concert Saturday 16th July

We will be having a live concert in the parish church on Saturday 16th July as part of this year’s Mitcheldean Festival.

We have a great emerging line up, including our good friends Mice in a Matchbox, but there are four slots still unfilled.

If you or anyone you know would like to put together a 25-minute performance spot, please get in touch via – Many thanks!



After two years of only meeting online, we will be live in Mitcheldean from 15th – 17th July 2022.

More details of the programme available shortly, but there will be singing, dancing, poetry and storytelling – plus the new tug-of-war contest at the village fete between the White Horse and the Lamb Inn.

We look forward to seeing you in July, put the dates in your diary – Cheers!

Poetry Festival 2021

Poetry Festival 2021

The spectacular success in adverse circumstance of this year’s Young Poets & Story-tellers Competitions will be celebrated at the online Poetry Festival from 2pm on Saturday 17th July, with the full awards ceremony and presentation of prizes held later in the year.

The advance programme looks like this:

2pm Introduction to the Poetry Festival including news of the competitions (but not yet the winners)

2.10 – 2.50 – Readings by Forest poets Annie Caville, Roger Drury, Val Ormorod and Carol Shepherd.

2.50 – 3.00 Paul Manning to introduce Maggie Clutterbuck and Dick Brice who will read from their new books due in September.

3.00 – 3.20 – Maggie Clutterbuck then Dick Brice.

3.20 – 4.20 – Readings by modern poets Tess Biddington, Ziggy Dicks, Jonathan Edwards, Ben Ray, Anna Saunders.

See the Mitcheldean Festival Facebook page for more details on how to log in.

Plans for 2022

Plans for 2022

There will be some evening singing performances online on Saturday 17th July 2021, but no concerts in the church due to the pandemic as already announced. Looking ahead to 2022, we would like to have your views on what kind of music you would like to come and hear in the future. There is a short questionnaire attached, please let us know your thoughts and preferences and email your reply to – we look forward to hearing from you.

Mitcheldean Festival flier and questionnaire June 2021.

Sorry, no concerts in 2021

Sorry, no concerts in 2021

We’re sorry to announce that, in view of the continued uncertainty around the ending of lockdown we have decided to abandon plans for our two showcase concerts this year. Although we had a number of artists who were interested in performing live the availability of the venue and terms of its use are still unclear.

We did consider a virtual concert like last year but several of our artists were unable to perform virtually this year so we have decided to skip the concerts.

Other elements of the festival will go ahead in a reduced or virtual format and we will tell you more about that in the weeks to come.

💻 We’re working on it…

💻 We’re working on it…

Behind the scenes we’re working on plans for Mitcheldean Festival 2021.

The Young Poets Competition will be held online again this year and entries are now open.

The music element of the Festival is also being planned — we have a full roster of acts waiting to perform for you, but we don’t yet know whether it will be live performances or a virtual/online event.

If we go down the live route we hope to hold two concerts (one on the evening of Friday 16th July and one on the afternoon of Saturday 17th July) and a sing around session on Saturday evening.

If we have to stick to a virtual event there will be a single live-streamed concert on Saturday afternoon/evening on the Mitcheldean Festival Facebook Page followed by a sing around on Zoom from around 9pm.

And, of course, our annual folk walk will take place on Sunday 18th July.

We’ll post more news about the direction we’re heading in the next few weeks.